Donations from individuals and businesses support our nonpartisan, fact-checked news and the training of investigative journalists. Every gift matters.
Donations can be made on a one-time, renewing monthly or renewing annually basis. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Recurring donations provide Wisconsin Watch with the sort of predictable revenue that allows us to plan budgets a few years at a time and helps to reduce administrative costs.
Become a member of Wisconsin Watch by making a donation of any size. Thank you for your support!
If you’d like to increase your giving, please consider joining the Watchdog Club. Watchdog Club members share the distinction of being Wisconsin Watch’s most generous and loyal contributors, giving $1,000 or more per household. They are also our ambassadors. They help us excel and innovate, while fostering an informed citizenry and strengthening our democracy. Members enjoy a full year of “behind the story” insights, events and benefits.
The Watchdog Club Leadership Circle is a new network of people and businesses taking a leadership role in sustaining investigative reporting and the training of investigative journalists. Donors of $5,000 or more per household become members of our Leadership Circle and receive all the benefits of the Watchdog Club, plus an office tour and lunch with Executive Director Andy Hall and members of the staff and invitations to exclusive Leadership Circle events.
If you have any questions about membership or wish to change your recurring donation, please contact our membership director, Emily Neinfeldt, at or 608-262-3642.