Our sponsors support the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism’s essential work, including sustaining our ability to provide free investigative reports and training the next generation of journalists. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of the Center’s funders or their products, services or opinions.
Interested in becoming a Wisconsin Watch sponsor? Contact Emily Neinfeldt, membership director, at eneinfeldt@wisconsinwatch.org.

The Wisconsin Newspaper Association was created by and for Wisconsin’s newspapers. WNA exists to strengthen the newspaper industry, enhance public understanding of the role of newspapers, and protect basic freedoms of press, speech and the free flow of information.

The Capital Times is a local news organization delivering authoritative journalism focused on Madison and beyond. It produces a weekly print newspaper, but its primary delivery is digital.

Pines Bach is a multi-service law firm dedicated to achieving excellent results for clients through advice, negotiation and courtroom advocacy. Its attorneys have built a strong reputation among judges and other lawyers for superior skill, knowledge and effectiveness.

The Wisconsin Broadcasters Association is the only trade association which supports, promotes and represents all radio and television broadcasters in Wisconsin. Member services include a variety of education programs, state and national legislative and legal and regulatory advisory services, and a host of networking opportunities.

The Wisconsin State Journal is a daily newspaper published in Madison by Lee Enterprises. The newspaper, the second largest in Wisconsin, is primarily distributed in a 19 county region in south-central Wisconsin.
Additional sponsors include Betty and Corkey Custer and Dick Record.