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Posted inGovernment

Republicans seek $3.5B tax cut favoring top earners, $32M reduction for UW System

Income taxes would be cut across the board by $3.5 billion under a plan announced Thursday by Republicans who control the Wisconsin Legislature’s budget-writing committee, a proposal that Democrats assailed as being skewed to benefit the wealthy. Republicans also plan to cut the University of Wisconsin System’s budget by $32 million despite a projected record-high […]

Posted inJustice & Safety

Following the death of an 8-year-old on a Wisconsin dairy farm, officials look to bridge law enforcement language gap

After ProPublica found that a police investigation into a child’s death was mishandled due to language barriers, officials hope to improve how police interact with non-English speakers. Meanwhile, the boy’s family has settled a suit against the farm.

Posted inJustice & Safety, News & Announcements

Scent like marijuana enough to warrant police search, Wisconsin Supreme Court rules

A car smelling like marijuana is enough for police in Wisconsin to justify searching a person in the vehicle, even though substances legal in the state can smell the same, the state Supreme Court said on Tuesday. The court’s conservative majority ruled 4-3 that Marshfield police had grounds to search the driver of a vehicle […]