Wisconsin Watch is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization that is primarily funded through grants from foundations and donations from individuals and corporations. Please visit our main funding page to learn more, and to see funding from other years.

As a matter of policy, funders exercise no control over Wisconsin Watchā€™s editorial decisions, and all funders are publicly identified.

To support our work with a gift, please visit our donate page.

Foundations and institutions

Challenge Fund for Innovative Journalism Education (in partnership between Excellence and Ethics in Journalism Foundation, Robert R. McCormick Foundation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Democracy Fund and Rita Allen Foundation): $35,000
Support experimentation in ways to provide news and information

Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation: $100,000
General support

Evjue Foundation: $20,000
General support

Foundation to Promote Open Society, in cooperation with the Open Society Foundations: $175,000 (Year 1 of 2)
General support

Joyce Foundation: $50,000
Support coverage of democracy, the environment and gun violence prevention

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation: $37,500 (Year 1 of 2)
General support

Peters Family Foundation: $4,000
General support

Individual donors

Leadership Circle ($5000+)

Hands, Phil and Tricia

Watchdog club ($1000+)

Fauerbach, Michael and Gloria
Burgess, Catherine
Ryan, Finn and Bemis, Brynn

Members (less than $1000)

Fuhrmann, Lauren and Eric
Baumgartner, Keith and Juli
Gaskill, Sharon and Warren
Kehl, Rita and Timothy
Edmondson, Jennifer and John
Houston, Brant
Beck, Joseph and Josefina
Bier, Thomas and Katherine
Chernik, Janice
Glass, Stephen
Bohn, Rod
Calhan, Edward and Linda
Donnelly, Linda
Eckert, Kaye
Eclavea, Karen and Anthony
Feeny, Fredrika
Haering, Timothy
Holman, John
Javid, Christine
Jimenez, Jolanta
Karon, Amy
Freedman, David and Kohn, Harriet
Jenkins, Vincel and Moritz, Stefanie
Bogdanich, Walt and Saul, Stephanie
Brett, Malcolm and Penny
Cohn, Scott
Hetzel, David
Jafuta, Forrest and Margaret
Jolin, Judy and Gary
Michel, Roberto and Michel, Karen Lincoln
Jones, Margaret and Linton, David
Lewis, Charles and Gilbert, Pam
Buffett, Roger
Hall, Andrew and Dee J.
Record, Dick
Shah, Hemant and Elizabeth
Englund, Eric
Eyster, John
Brooks, Craig
Lewein, Donna and Scott
Hasler, Dr. Philip and Janet
Friedland, Lewis and Oliker, Stacey
Eversden, Mark and Sara
Hayward, Julie
Thompson, Pamela
Cannon, Marsha and Peter
Muller, Lyle and Vicki
Macejkovic, Steve
Murphy, Valerie
Nelson, Paul
Neuhauser, Susan
Pabellon, Carlos and Tara
Rindfleisch, Terry and Linda Hirsh
Stark, Sharon
Stoeffler, David
Williams, Roger and Kristi
Michaelis, Bonnie
O’Leary, John
Phelps, Richard
Pooler, Ann
Robinson, Susan
Shakhashiri, Bassam
Talbert, Charles and Victoria
Toussaint, Carol and John
Utesch, Nancy
Warren, Thomas and Anna Marie Benander
Witonsky, Trudi
Mawer, Jane
Moe, Doug and Jeanan Yasiri
Stiefvater, Barbara
Danky, James and Christine Schelshorn
Long, Willis
Martell, Stuart and Carol
Maryott-Walsh, Julie
Gebeloff, Robert