Wisconsin Watch is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization that is primarily funded through grants from foundations and donations from individuals and corporations. Please visit our main funding page to learn more, and to see funding from other years.
As a matter of policy, funders exercise no control over Wisconsin Watchās editorial decisions, and all funders are publicly identified.
To support our work with a gift, please visit our donate page.
Foundations and institutions
Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation: $100,000
General support
Evjue Foundation & The Capital Times: $20,000
General support
Foundation to Promote Open Society, in cooperation with the Open Society Foundations: $175,000 (Year 2 of 2)
General support
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation: $37,500 (Year 2 of 2)
General support
Peters Family Foundation: $3,000
General support
Vital Projects Fund: $25,000
Coverage of criminal justice issues
Wisconsin Newspaper Association & WNAās Foundation: $10,000
General support
Individual donors
Leadership Circle ($5000+)
Hands, John Lawrence and Kendrick-Hands, Karen |
Watchdog club ($1000+)
Bogdanich, Walt and Saul, Stephanie |
Cohen, Dr. Marcus and Cohen, Sheila |
Record, Dick |
Schapiro, Irene and Fost, Norman |
Members (less than $1000)
Ash, Jeff |
Baumgartner, Keith and Juli |
Beamish, Eileen |
Bowden, Deanna |
Brooks, Craig |
Burgess, Catherine |
Calhan, Linda and Edward |
Cameron, Peter |
Cannon, Marsha and Peter |
Carey, Denis and Koby Carey, Carol |
Chernik, Janice |
Cieslewicz, Dave |
Cohn, Scott |
Damos, Tim |
Danky, James and Schelshorn, Christine |
Dean, Jason |
Deming, Martha |
Donnelly, Linda |
Dreps, Robert and Koehl, Elizabeth |
Dresen, William and Gretchen |
Dunn, Bill |
Durbrow, John |
Eclavea, Karen and Anthony |
Eich, Lynne and Bill |
Englund, Eric |
Eversden, Mark and Sara |
Fauerbach, Michael and Gloria |
Fazen, Robert and Marianne |
Feider, Gary |
Friedland, Lewis and Oliker, Stacey |
Gaskill, Sharon and Warren |
Gebeloff, Robert |
Girard, Geri |
Glass, Stephen |
Gleason, Neil and Cindy |
Godfrey, Robert |
Hagenauer, George and Mary Ellen |
Hasler, Dr. Philip and Janet |
Hayward, Julie |
Hetzel, David |
Holland, David |
Holman, John |
Houston, Brant |
Jaconi, Jevon |
Jafuta, Forrest and Margaret |
Jolin, Judy and Gary |
Karon, Amy |
Kobs, Ellen |
Konieczna, Magda |
Kruse, Dorothy |
Lethem, Troy and Matthias, Mary |
Lewein, Donna and Scott |
Lewis, Charles and Gilbert, Pam |
Linton, David and Jones, Margaret |
Lucas, Patricia |
Macejkovic, Steve and Macejkovic, Steve |
Martell, Stuart and Martell, Carol |
Marx, Richard |
Maske, Gordy |
Massoth, Kathleen and Edmonson, Marshall Bruce |
Mawer, Jane |
McMurray, Oma Vic |
Mead, Howard and Mead, Nancy |
Melton, Dan |
Michel, Roberto and Michel, Karen Lincoln |
Miller, Jacob |
Mitchell, Jack and Mitchell, Bonnie |
Moritz, Stefanie and Jenkins, Vincel |
Muller, Lyle and Vicki |
Murphy, Valerie |
Nash, Patricia |
Nicastro, Brent and Cusack, Nora |
O’Connor, Kara and O’Connor, Ryan |
O’Leary, Kristine |
Odell, Katharine |
Pabellon, Tara and Pabellon, Carlos |
Phelps, Richard |
Phillips, Samuel |
Prengaman, Kathryn |
Quieto, Michael |
Reid, Brendan |
Reinke, Richard |
Rindfleisch, Terry and Hirsh, Linda |
Roach, John |
Robinson, Susan |
Seaman, Richard |
Sernoe, James |
Siler, Norman |
Slagg, Randy |
Stentz, Molly |
Stiefvater, Barbara |
Stoeffler, David |
Stokes, William |
Stumpf, Nancy |
Talbert, Charles and Talbert, Victoria |
Thelen, Thomas |
Trotter, Paul |
Warren, Thomas and Benander Warren, Anna Marie |
Westerberg, Christa |
Wilcox, Robert |
Williams, Roger and Kristi |
Witonsky, Trudi |