Wisconsin Watch is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization that is primarily funded through grants from foundations and donations from individuals and corporations. Please visit our main funding page to learn more, and to see funding from other years.

As a matter of policy, funders exercise no control over Wisconsin Watchā€™s editorial decisions, and all funders are publicly identified.

To support our work with a gift, please visit our donate page.

Foundations and institutions

Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation: $100,000
General support

Evjue Foundation & The Capital Times: $20,000
General support

Foundation to Promote Open Society, in cooperation with the Open Society Foundations: $175,000 (Year 2 of 2)
General support

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation: $37,500 (Year 2 of 2)
General support

Peters Family Foundation: $3,000
General support 

Vital Projects Fund: $25,000
Coverage of criminal justice issues

Wisconsin Newspaper Association & WNAā€™s Foundation: $10,000
General support

Individual donors

Leadership Circle ($5000+)

Hands, John Lawrence and Kendrick-Hands, Karen

Watchdog club ($1000+)

Bogdanich, Walt and Saul, Stephanie
Cohen, Dr. Marcus and Cohen, Sheila
Record, Dick
Schapiro, Irene and Fost, Norman

Members (less than $1000)

Ash, Jeff
Baumgartner, Keith and Juli
Beamish, Eileen
Bowden, Deanna
Brooks, Craig
Burgess, Catherine
Calhan, Linda and Edward
Cameron, Peter
Cannon, Marsha and Peter
Carey, Denis and Koby Carey, Carol
Chernik, Janice
Cieslewicz, Dave
Cohn, Scott
Damos, Tim
Danky, James and Schelshorn, Christine
Dean, Jason
Deming, Martha
Donnelly, Linda
Dreps, Robert and Koehl, Elizabeth
Dresen, William and Gretchen
Dunn, Bill
Durbrow, John
Eclavea, Karen and Anthony
Eich, Lynne and Bill
Englund, Eric
Eversden, Mark and Sara
Fauerbach, Michael and Gloria
Fazen, Robert and Marianne
Feider, Gary
Friedland, Lewis and Oliker, Stacey
Gaskill, Sharon and Warren
Gebeloff, Robert
Girard, Geri
Glass, Stephen
Gleason, Neil and Cindy
Godfrey, Robert
Hagenauer, George and Mary Ellen
Hasler, Dr. Philip and Janet
Hayward, Julie
Hetzel, David
Holland, David
Holman, John
Houston, Brant
Jaconi, Jevon
Jafuta, Forrest and Margaret
Jolin, Judy and Gary
Karon, Amy
Kobs, Ellen
Konieczna, Magda
Kruse, Dorothy
Lethem, Troy and Matthias, Mary
Lewein, Donna and Scott
Lewis, Charles and Gilbert, Pam
Linton, David and Jones, Margaret
Lucas, Patricia
Macejkovic, Steve and Macejkovic, Steve
Martell, Stuart and Martell, Carol
Marx, Richard
Maske, Gordy
Massoth, Kathleen and Edmonson, Marshall Bruce
Mawer, Jane
McMurray, Oma Vic
Mead, Howard and Mead, Nancy
Melton, Dan
Michel, Roberto and Michel, Karen Lincoln
Miller, Jacob
Mitchell, Jack and Mitchell, Bonnie
Moritz, Stefanie and Jenkins, Vincel
Muller, Lyle and Vicki
Murphy, Valerie
Nash, Patricia
Nicastro, Brent and Cusack, Nora
O’Connor, Kara and O’Connor, Ryan
O’Leary, Kristine
Odell, Katharine
Pabellon, Tara and Pabellon, Carlos
Phelps, Richard
Phillips, Samuel
Prengaman, Kathryn
Quieto, Michael
Reid, Brendan
Reinke, Richard
Rindfleisch, Terry and Hirsh, Linda
Roach, John
Robinson, Susan
Seaman, Richard
Sernoe, James
Siler, Norman
Slagg, Randy
Stentz, Molly
Stiefvater, Barbara
Stoeffler, David
Stokes, William
Stumpf, Nancy
Talbert, Charles and Talbert, Victoria
Thelen, Thomas
Trotter, Paul
Warren, Thomas and Benander Warren, Anna Marie
Westerberg, Christa
Wilcox, Robert
Williams, Roger and Kristi
Witonsky, Trudi