Wisconsin Watch is an independent nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization that is primarily funded through grants from foundations and donations from individuals and corporations. Please visit our main funding page to learn more, and to see funding from other years.
As a matter of policy, funders exercise no control over Wisconsin Watchās editorial decisions, and all funders are publicly identified.
To support our work with a gift, please visit our donate page.
Foundations and institutions
Arnold Ventures: $150,000
General support
Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment: $30,000
Brico Fund: $5,000
Craig Newmark Philanthropies: $70,000
Election Integrity Project
Economic Hardship Reporting Project: Earned income
Evjue Foundation & The Capital Times: $10,000
General support
Facebook/ Lenfest Institute: $100,000
Membership Program and Digital Infrastructures
First Draft News:
Earned income
GNI: $122,000
Google News Initiative: $5,000
Reporting on the Pandemic
Greater Milwaukee Foundation: $12,000
Metcalf Park Documentary
INN: $30,000
General support
Joyce Foundation: $150,000
General support
Newsmatch: $22,000
General support
ProPublica: 25% subsidy of a Center reporterās salary to support coverage of voting issues
Reva and David Logan Foundation: $150,000
General support
University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire Foundation: $6,000
Ann Devroy Memorial Fellow
Votebeat: $51,000
Supporting election coverage
Herb Kohl Philanthropie
Report for America
Solutions Journalism Network
Wisconsin Newspaper Association
Individual donors
Leadership Circle ($5000+)
Burke, Mary |
Christensen, Lau and Bea |
Cosgrove, Susan Troller and Howard |
Fearnside, Wendy and Meier, Bruce |
Hall, Andrew and Dee J. |
Johnson, Barbara |
LaConte, Cynthia |
Lubar, David and Madeleine |
Watchdog Club ($1000+)
Hagge, Robert and Elke |
Hands, John Lawrence and Kendrick-Hands, Karen |
Cohen, Dr. Marcus and Sheila |
Hands, Phil and Tricia |
Bickford, Paul |
Custer, Betty and Corkey |
Jenkins, Vincel and Moritz, Stefanie |
Ansfield, Dr. Thomas and Lynn |
Lee, Dr’s Douglas and Martha |
Michel, Roberto and Michel, Karen Lincoln |
Brenner, Elizabeth and Ostrofsky, Steven |
Jones, Margaret and Linton, David |
Record, Dick |
Orr, Dr. Catherine |
Blietz, Bev |
Dukehart, Thomas and Andy |
Lewein, Donna and Scott |
O’Leary, Carol |
Hasler, Dr. Philip and Janet |
Friedland, Lewis and Oliker, Stacey |
Eversden, Mark and Sara |
Baumann, Herman and Schwichtenberg, Kay |
Terry, Tom |
Glueck, Christopher and Erin |
Mitchell, Jack and Bonnie |
Ryan, Finn and Bemis, Brynn |
Schapiro, Irene and Fost, Norman |
Stark, Sharon |
Moy, Michaela and Gregory |
Toussaint, Carol and John |
Warren, Thomas and Benander Warren, Anna Marie |
Danky, James and Schelshorn, Christine |
Luxton, Richard |
Davis, Brian and Umstead, Deborah |
Kohler, Julilly |
Members (less than $1000)
Aarli, Lisa and Owens, Gail |
Adams, Linda and James |
Amery-Ryland, Judy |
Ames, Diane |
Andre, Elizabeth |
Andrietsch, Margaret |
Anglim, Mary |
Anstett, Charles |
Apuzzo, Claudia |
Arnold, Joan |
Arnold, Michael |
Arriaga, Alexandra |
Ash, Jeff |
Attoe, Russell |
Axelson, Jan |
Azar, Lauren and Ryan, Rebecca |
Backes, Elizabeth |
Baldwin, Stephen |
Bandt, Molly |
Barry, Kathleen and Sternkopf, Richard |
Bartell, Jeffrey |
Battista, Janet |
Beamish, Eileen |
Beck, Josefina and Joseph |
Behnke, Suzanne |
Behr, Madeleine |
Behrbaum, Megan |
Behrmann, Ann |
Bellin, Paul |
Bend, Barbara |
Bennett, Daniel |
Benton, Tracy |
Berchem, Jacob |
Berger, Laura |
Berry, Stephen |
Bertocci, Laura |
Biddle, Deborah |
Bier, Katherine and Thomas |
Blado, Kayla |
Boben, Matthew |
Bogdanich, Walt and Saul, Stephanie |
Boland, Jane |
Bolte, Scott |
Booth, Eric |
Borsuk, Alan |
Bowden, Deanna |
Brazaitis, Kathleen |
Brinkman, Cindy |
Brito, Kai |
Brody, Matthew |
Brogan, Dylan |
Broman, Aimee and Karl |
Brooks, Craig |
Brooks, James and Kay, Sandra |
Brouillette, Sue |
Brown, Joanne and Olneck, Michael |
Bryant, Kelly |
Budai, Joan |
Buhler, Roland |
Burch, Tucker |
Burns, Jane |
Burrill, Brad |
Burseth, Jay |
Burton, Paul |
Cain, Michael |
Calabrese, John |
Calhan, Edward and Linda |
Cameron, Peter |
Cameron, Tom and Patti |
Campbell, Dan |
Cannon, Marsha and Peter |
Carlson, Christopher |
Chernik, Janice |
Christiaansen, Pamela |
Cioci, Jessica |
Clinkenbeard, Pamela |
Cohn, Scott |
Cole, Rebecca |
Collins, Joanne and Jim |
Companik, Sara |
Conley, Daniel and Paige |
Conroy, Tim |
Cooney, Bill |
Crane, Mike |
Crawford, David |
Crawford, Robert |
Cutright, Laurel |
Dahlke, Debra |
Davis, Thulani |
Dean, Jason |
Decker, Catherine |
Delaney, Carroll |
Delwiche, Ann |
Demas, Colette |
Dempsey, Pam |
Dencker, Ann |
Depew, Jerry |
DeRosa Family |
Diaz, Fernando |
Dimperio, Allegra |
Dohnal, Robert |
Donnelly, Linda |
Doyle, Paula |
Drechsel, Robert and Lynn |
Dreps, Robert and Koehl, Elizabeth |
Dresang, Joel |
Dreyfus, Robert |
Driscoll, Margaret |
Ducklow, Paul |
Dukehart, Coburn |
Duncan, Douglas |
Duquette, Claire |
Durst, Kristen |
DuSaint, Tricia and Tricia |
Dusek, Margarita |
Eastman, Krista |
Eckberg, Daniel |
Eckstein, Stephanie |
Eclavea, Anthony and Karen |
Edmondson, Jennifer and John |
Eggleston, Richard |
Eisele, Joe |
Enright, Marlene |
Erickson, James |
Erlandson, Dale |
Eyster, John |
Fansler, Kristeen and Todd |
Feider, Gary |
Fennig, Margaret |
Field, William |
Filak, Vincent |
Flaherty, Beth |
Flaherty, Michael |
Flannery, Dan |
Flood-Smith, Dorothy Ann |
Frank, Laura |
Fransen, Philip |
Freedman, David and Kohn, Harriet |
Fribance, Caroline |
Fries, Christopher |
Fuhrmann, Lauren and Eric |
Gaede, Lynn |
Gagainis, Susan |
Gallagher, Bridget |
Gascoyne, Peter and English, Claudia |
Gaskill, Sharon and Warren |
Gebeloff, Robert |
Gengler, Cynthia |
Gerarden, Maureen |
Gibbons, Christia |
Gierman, Scott |
Gilsdorf, Rebecca |
Glad-Anderson, Susan |
Glass, Stephen |
Gleason, Neil and Cindy |
Godfrey, Robert |
Goldberg, Richard and Munro, Lisa |
Goodman, Lawrence and Hannah |
Green, Mary |
Greenley, Dianne |
Guzman, Angela |
Hagenauer, George and Mary Ellen |
Hahn, Paula |
Hall, Dave |
Hall, John |
Hall, Monica |
Hamilton, Marilyn |
Hammel, Patricia |
Hampden, Jane |
Hanson, Gerald |
Hanson, Laura |
Harbort, Colette |
Hardie-Bauer, Gwen |
Hart, Kathie and Laird |
Hartung, Holly |
Hartwich, Linda |
Harvey, Celinda |
Hasan, Miriam |
Hatcher, Jay |
Hatlestad, Kathryn |
Haynes, William |
Hayward, Julie |
Hearn, Lorie |
Heim, Carol |
Heinen, Neil and Christy, Nancy |
Hesselberg, George |
Hetzel, David |
Hinderholtz, Richard |
Hochstetter, Jon |
Hoffman, Susan and Leslie |
Hoisington, Sam |
Holcomb, Jesse |
Holden, Elizabeth |
Holman, John |
Holmes, Vincent |
Houston, Brant |
Howard, Leslie Ann |
Hubl, Mary |
Hudson, Sue Kelley |
Hundt, Timothy |
Hussey, Mary Jo |
Hutcheson, Rex |
Ibrahim, Mukhtar |
Ingebritson, Frances |
Ivey, Mike and Elkin, Vicki |
Janowiak, Stanley |
Jaworski, Kathleen |
Jezior, Mara |
Johnson, Dr. Wendel and Judith |
Johnson, Freda |
Johnson, Gerald |
Johnson, Paul and Diana |
Johnson, Rachel |
Johnson, Roberta |
Johnston, Kathleen |
Jolin, Judy and Gary |
Jonaitis, Erin |
Jovaag, Seth |
Kaiser, William and Claudia |
Kalson, John |
Kane, Janet Mertz and Jonathan |
Kane, Maureen |
Kanel, Elizabeth |
Katz, Carolyn |
Keefe, Shelby |
Keele, Christopher |
Kelley, Kelly |
Killenberg, George |
Kinzelman, Marc and McIlvaine, Mary |
Kirkby, Sean |
Kobs, Ellen |
Kocol, Kitty |
Kohl, Gail |
Kois Sr., Dennis |
Kopischke-Trejo, Elaine |
Korobkin, Marc |
Kosbie, Jeffrey |
Kowieski, Ed |
Krajewski, Thomas |
Krooth, Ann |
Kruger, Frederick |
Krumme, Mackenzie |
Kuczenski, Tracy |
Kuick, Rebecca |
Kursel, Jeffrey |
Laing, Annette |
Landmark, Mark |
Landsness, Ruthanne |
Lange, Jeffrey |
Larkin, Serena |
Larsen, Lois |
Latton, Susan and Gill, James |
Laux, Michele |
Lavendel, Brian |
Leone-Thiel, Patricia |
Lepinski, Beth |
Lepkowski, Cynthia |
Lethem, Troy and Matthias, Mary |
Levy, Stuart |
Lewis, Charles and Gilbert, Pam |
Liesse, Paul |
Lincoln, Louisa |
Lindner, Josef |
Linnane, Rory |
Linsenmeyer, Chuck and Jen and Jen |
Loper, Tristan |
Lorenz, Chris |
Lorenz, Judith |
Lukas, Kenneth |
Lulloff, Charlene |
Macejkovic, Steve and Steve |
Madlom, James |
Magney, Reid |
Maraniss, Linda and David |
Marck, Roberta |
Markham, Lynn |
Marquardt, Daniel and Linda |
Marrari, James and Carstens, Barbara |
Martell, Stuart and Carol |
Martin, Anita and James |
Martin, Dawn |
Marx, Richard |
Massoth, Kathleen and Edmonson, Marshall Bruce |
Mathers, Joseph |
Matthews-Risley, Kathi |
Mattox, Shirley Brabender |
Mawer, Jane |
May, Michael |
Maynard, Joan and Doug |
McClure, Robert |
McCoy, Mary |
McDole, Marilyn |
McGovern, Thomas |
McGowan, Sharon |
McGrath, Rick |
McKeown, Patricia |
McKim, Karen and Nelson, Keith |
McMullen, Katherine and Malewitz, Jim |
McMullin-Lawton, Bonnie |
McPherson, Jimi |
Mead, Howard and Nancy |
Merrick, William and Cheryl |
Miller, Lori |
Miller, Suzanne |
Mills, Bronwyn |
Milz, Connie and Raymond |
Miner, Catherine |
Miron, Mary and Summers, Gene |
Moe, Doug and Yasiri Moe, Jeanan |
Moore, Sue |
Morgan, Jane |
Morrell, Alex |
Morrissey, Timothy |
Motz, Julie |
Muller, Lyle and Vicki |
Mulligan, Kathryn |
Murphy, Chris |
Murphy, Diane |
Murphy, Valerie |
Mutschlecner, Sarah |
Myers, Don |
Nagel, Debra |
Neary, Dr. Elizabeth |
Nehls-Lowe, Henry and Barbara |
Nelson, Herb |
Nelson, Linda |
Nelson, Paul |
Nesemann, Michael and Nesemann, Susan Armantrout |
Nowakowski, Dawn |
Nowobielski, Gary |
O’Brien, Ann |
O’Connor, Kara and Ryan |
O’Dowd, Maryanne |
O’Neill, Ciara |
OConnell, Jonathan |
OConnell, Randy |
Odell, Katharine |
Oliver, Richard and Carol |
Olson, Rosemary |
Palleon, Marjorie |
Palmer, Rebecca |
Pasono, Dyan |
Pastin, Susan |
Pearson, Dick and Merry Noel |
Pedder, Janet |
Peltekos, Patricia |
Pepin, Michael |
Perk, Robert |
Perr, Marilyn |
Perron, Dan |
Peters, Brittany |
Pfersch, Harriet |
Pierce, Rebecca |
Pierquet, Kat |
Pils, Linda |
Plotkin, Sheila |
Plunkett, Maureen |
Pool, Bridget |
Pool, Charles |
Pool, Robin and Peter |
Porter, Willy |
Potopinski, Michael |
Preizler, Lynn and Martin |
Purcell, Gene |
Queen, Robert |
Quimi, Kerry |
Radcliffe, Jim |
Raihala, John and Lorelle |
Ralph, Jessie |
Ranney, Judith and Latchaw, Robert |
Rannow, Carol |
Rasmussen, Nanette |
Razner, Cathleen |
Reams, Ed |
Reddicliffe, Connie and Steve |
Reeder, Don and Carol |
Reek, Janis |
Reis, Elaine |
Remington, Patrick |
Resch, Carla |
Ricca, Joanne and August |
Rice, Julie |
Richards, Julia |
Rickert, Janice |
Ringe, Nils |
Roach, John |
Robbins, Louise |
Robertson, Peter |
Robinson, Susan |
Rock, Bonnie and D’Amato, Jennifer |
Rohan, Michele and James |
Rollin, Judith |
Romenesko, James |
Rose, Suzanne |
Rosewall, Ellen |
Rotter, Ronald and Catherine |
Row, George |
Sable-Smith, Bram |
Sable, Marjorie and Smith, George |
Sage, Karen |
Sanders, Darcie |
Sanford, Barbara and Donald |
Sanford, Laurie |
Sanford, Mary and Bourque, Adrian |
Sanner, Jennifer and Louis |
Sanyer, Leyla |
Saxena, Arvind |
Schaefer, Jill |
Schallert, Richard |
Schiltz, Lisa |
Scholl, Eric |
Schroeder, Jack |
Schueler, Kathryn |
Schultz, Kate |
Schuster, Cynthia |
Scott, Kifflie and Sullivan, Steve |
Seeling, Paul |
Segall, Robert and Sara |
Servoss, Gail and Allan |
Shaffer, Billie |
Shakhashiri, Bassam |
Shank, Michael and Troyer-Shank, Carol |
Shea, Gail and Dan |
Sheaffer, Peg |
Shelton, Terry |
Sichko, Adam |
Signorile, Marcia |
Sikes, Toni |
Simms, Patricia |
Simon, Mark |
Skinger, PJ and Slinger, Jana |
Smalley, John and Barbara |
Smith, Dylan |
Smith, Richard and McKearn, Patricia |
Smith, Ronald |
Smoller, W. Jeffrey |
Smykal, Pam |
Sober, Norma and Elliott |
Sonnemann, Gail |
Speth, Kevin |
Starr, Kim |
Statum, Andrew |
Steenson, Molly |
Stentz, Molly |
Stetzer, Darwin |
Stewart, Margy |
Stiefvater, Barbara |
Stoeffler, David |
Stolt, Heidi |
Strang, Dean |
Stroup, Marylyn |
Sumara, Michele |
Sundelius, Zachary |
Sweeney, Victoria and Patrick |
Tempus, Kent and Sheedy-Tempus, Denise |
Teska, Courtenay and Pacholski, Luke |
Thayer, Judith |
Thomas, Lyndsay |
Thoresen, Thomas |
Tietz, Steven |
Timm, Michael |
Toner, Emily |
Torinus, John |
Troiano, Allegra |
Tumey, Carol |
Turgasen, Ellen |
Turnbull, Brenda |
Turnbull, Bruce Robert |
Turville-Heitz, Meg |
Tymorek, Jan |
Umhoefer, David and Schuldt, Gretchen |
Utesch, Nancy |
Van Pelt, James |
Van Ruyven, Dee |
Van Wagtendonk, Reinout |
Vandre, Constance |
Varenik, Tina Rosenberg |
Vetterkind, Riley |
Vinson, Michael |
Wagner, George and Rasman, Barb |
Wagner, Michael |
Wahlberg, David |
Waite, Daniel |
Walker, Lonie |
Walker, Mary |
Wallner, David |
Walrath, James |
Wang, Helu and Guan, Xiaofei |
Wannemuehler, Kathleen |
Warner, Sharon |
Wechter, Paul |
Wehrle, Alex |
Weidel, Carol |
Weigl, Ann |
Weingrod, David |
Welo, David |
Westerberg, Christa |
White, Ginny |
Whitenack, Judith Ames |
Whitney, Sandra |
Williams, Roger and Kristi |
Williamson, Brady and Lynn |
Wirth, Lori |
Witkovsky, Michael |
Witter, Dean and Nettie |
Wood, Susan |
Wootton, Jill |
Wright, Andrew |
Wright, Stacy |
Yahr, Natalie |
Yahr, Pauline |
Yomantas, Cynthia and Bauman, Steven |
Yuenger, Marjory |
Yunker, Michael |
Zabriskie, Thomas |
Zachary, Bohdan |
Zerwick, James and Susan |
Ziemer, Mark |
Zimmermann, Randal |