Wisconsin Weekly is a roundup of the week’s top stories from around the state by Wisconsin Watch and trusted news outlets. Access to some stories may be limited to subscribers of the news organizations that produced them. We urge our readers to consider supporting these important news outlets by subscribing, and sign up to get our free newsletters here.
In this issue:
- Foster parents hampered in getting mental health care for children
- Shrinking population in Michigan prompts look to Wisconsin for answers
- Canadian wildfire smoke causes health risk across the state
Of note: This week we feature a story by Wisconsin Watch’s Bennet Goldstein, who examined the drought gripping much of the Midwest. Bennet interviewed Nick Stanek, part of a three-generation farm family in La Farge, Wisconsin. Stanek and his brother grow corn and soybeans across 400 acres, where the soil is now “bone dry” and grass crunches underfoot. “Of course, if we don’t get any rain,” Stanek said, “our crop will be a complete loss.”
Also – we are adding a new newsletter to our line up! The Wednesday Report will provide stories by Wisconsin Watch and our partners and offer exclusive access to behind-the-scenes insights on our investigations. Learn more and sign up here.
Access to some stories listed in the Wisconsin Weekly roundup may be limited to subscribers of the news organizations that produced them. We urge our readers to consider supporting these important news outlets by subscribing.
Thanks for reading!

Matthew DeFour
Statehouse Bureau Chief

Midwest drought: Corn and soybeans suffer as forecasters expect no quick relief for farmers
Wisconsin Watch — June 23, 2023
Mental health

Wisconsin foster children often need mental health care to thrive. Why is it hard to help them?
Green Bay Press-Gazette — June 26, 2023
Removed from home, deeply traumatized, foster children often need counseling. But even with activist foster parents, it can be hard to get.
Population growth

As UP’s population shrinks, Wisconsin rural counties grow. Here’s why.
Bridge Michigan — June 29, 2023
Donald Domitrovich grew up in the small town where he still lives and works. Every day, it seems smaller. In Ontonagon, a Lake Superior shore village of about 1,500 and the surrounding county of the same name, there are now five funerals for every birth. Between 2010 and 2020, the county lost 14% of its population, as jobs dried up and people moved away.
Related coverage: Report: Wisconsin near top in Midwest rural population growth
Canadian wildfire smoke threatens Wisconsin air quality. Here’s how to check health numbers.
Associated Press/Wisconsin Watch — June 27, 2023
This week, Wisconsin faced a statewide Air Quality Advisory for fine particulate matter from wildfire smoke. State health and environmental officials recommended that people in all populations limit outdoor activities.
Related coverage: Medical professionals weigh in on effects of poor air quality