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In Gallup polling done in 2022, 19.7% of Gen Z respondents identified as LGBT, according to results released in February 2023.
Bisexual identifications accounted for 13.1%. The remaining identifications were gay (3.4%), lesbian (2.2%), transgender (1.9%), and other (1.5%), which included queer and pansexual identifications.
The question, asked in telephone interviews of more than 10,000 U.S. residents age 18 and older, was:
“Which of the following do you consider yourself to be? You can select as many as apply. Straight or heterosexual; Lesbian; Gay; Bisexual; Transgender.”
The percentage by generation (birth years shown) answering LGBT:
Generation Z (1997-2004): 19.7%
Millennials (1981-1996): 11.2%
Generation X (1965-1980): 3.3%
Baby boomers (1946-1964): 2.7%
Silent Generation (1945 and earlier): 1.7%
An April 2023 report by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, using 2021 data, found that 26% of U.S. high school students identified as other than heterosexual, up from 11% in 2015.
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Gallup US LGBT Identification Steady at 7.2%
Centers for Disease Control Overview and Methods for the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System — United States, 2021